County of Marin Health and Human Services

Access: Medi-Cal for Children: Early Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT)

Telephone 473-3068

This team provides assessments and referrals for children and adolescents who are full-scope Medi-Cal eligible and are in need of mental health services. Children and youth with Medi-Cal are assessed by the Access staff and are then referred through Beacon Strategies to Medi-Cal providers in the community if they meet Medi-Cal necessity. Those children and youth with more serious functional impairment who need specialty mental health services are seen by the Youth & Family Services team.

The network of MMHP providers offers an array of necessary services. Psychiatric medication services are provided at our clinic at Kerner Boulevard.

Mental Health and Substance Use Services (MHSUS) changed its name to Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS).  As such, all references in existing departmental policies and procedures to MHSUS can be understood to reference BHRS as well.