3270 Kerner Blvd., San Rafael, 415-473-2100
250 Bon Air, Greenbrae, 415-473-6835
The Adult Case Management Program is intended to support adults, age 18 and above, who struggle with severe mental health symptoms. The goal of this culturally competent multi-disciplinary program is to promote wellness and recovery through individualized treatment. Our intention is to encourage client’s independence and connect them to community supports. Adult Case Management welcomes clients to come as they are in their current stage of recovery. Additionally, Peer services are provided in support of recovery by trained individuals with lived experience.
Target Population
The target population of the Adult Case Management Program is adults, age 18 and above, with serious mental illness who reside in Marin County. Individuals may or may not have a co-occurring substance abuse disorder.
Referral Process
Eligible adults must be referred from the County of Marin Access Line, 888-818-1115.
Services Provided
- Peer Support
- Psychotherapy
- Psychiatric Medication Management
- Intensive Case Management
- Personal Services Coordinator
- Individual treatment goals established
- Psychiatric treatment
- Skills building
- Bridging to resources that will help support a meaningful life including: financial, independent living, health, educational, occupational, vocational, legal, substance use, family, community involvement
Program services are covered by Medi-Cal insurance and/or the individual’s ability to pay.
Contact Information
3270 Kerner Blvd., San Rafael 415-473-2100
250 Bon Air, Greenbrae 415-473-6835
SERVICES ARE PROVIDED IN ENGLISH, SPANISH, AND VIETNAMESE. Interpreter services are available for other languages upon request.