Greetings from Marin County Public Health (MCPH) Outbreak Prevention and Infection Control (OPIC). MCPH OPIC team supports healthcare and congregate care facilities mitigate and manage risks and prepare for emergencies. Our monthly newsletters include news, guidance, updates, trainings and educational opportunities for all levels of staff.
Changes to our Communications
Starting this month, we will be alternating our communication methods between newsletters and MCPH Updates for LTCFs Zoom meetings. Newsletters will be sent out every other month (August, October, and December 2024). MCPH Updates for LTCFs Zoom mtgs will take place in July, September, and November 2024.
Local wastewater surveillance has detected a rapid rise in SARS-CoV-2 levels in the first two weeks of June, signifying increased COVID-19 transmission in our community.
Tests and Variants:
COVID-19 Test Order link - CDPH Professional Use Order Deadline 6/30/2024
HSAG - No Cost FREE Vaccination Clinics - Yes, even for Kaiser residents! Click on this link to fill out the callback request form. See email sent on 6/7/2024.
Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI) Update for LTCFs
CDPH is now aligned with CDC’s Enhanced Barrier Precautions (EBP), see AFL 24-15. They will be retiring Enhanced Standard Precautions (ESP); however, you may continue to use the “6 Moments of ESP” PDF poster.
Maintain Measles Vigilance
Report suspected measles cases immediately, even before laboratory confirmation. Call MCPH 415.473.4163 or after-hours 415.479.5305
*FREE* On-site PPE Training and Infection Control Training for your staff by your OPIC team! We have bilingual educators! Book Online or email us to schedule
Project First Line (PFL): CDC's FREE training materials to provide education for your staff.
Marin County Public Health's Monthly Updates for LTCFs provide updates regarding guidance, local data and surveillance, and training opportunities. Please contact to be added to the meeting invitation.