County of Marin Health and Human Services

Health Council of Marin


Health Council of Marin
Loretta Rogers
Health & Human Services Department
(415) 473-4163

Administered By: 

  • The County of Marin

Purpose / Duties: 

The Health Council advises the Board of Supervisors and the Marin County Department of Health and Human Services on public health and environmental health issues, advocates for the development and allocation of resources to assure quality and accessible health care, and educates on issues affecting the health and well-being of the citizens of Marin County.


Members are appointed to provide broad-based representation of the County and shall include both consumers and providers of health services. No more than one-half the membership shall consist of health service providers. Members must live or work in Marin County.

Term Length: 

4 years

Number of Members: 


Reimbursements for Expenses / Per Diem: 

Members serve without compensation.

Time and Day of Meetings: 

Meetings are held a minimum of eight times per year. Notice of such meetings shall be sent at least one week in advance.

How to Apply: 

Applications may be obtained from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Room 329, Administration Building, Marin Civic Center (415-473-7331) or access theĀ ApplicationĀ online.