County of Marin Health and Human Services

Better Breathers of Novato

This Community Resource Guide is a new feature being developed by the County of Marin Department of Health and Human Services.
Please provide your feedback to help us make improvements (click here).

Better Breathers of Novato

This is a community support group for people and family members who have chronic lung disease, such as COPD, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis and those who require continuous supplemental oxygen. These meetings are informational and people share how they cope with their lung disabilities. Jim Braley is the group leader. He has over 40 years of experience in treating patients with COPD and or lung disorders.
1st Wednesday, 2:30 pm
Novato Community Hospital Medical Office Building
165 Rowland Way
Novato, CA
No pre-registration is required


(415) 209-1535



(415) 209-1531

