County of Marin Health and Human Services

Bladder Cancer UCSF Education and Support Group

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Bladder Cancer UCSF Education and Support Group

UCSF Bladder Cancer Education and Support Group. (No active group in Marin County.) First Thursday of the month. UCSF Mission Bay Campus, Mission Hall. 550 16th Street, Corner of 16th & 4th. (Please use the 4th Street entrance and check in with security desk) The group runs from 5:30pm-7:00pm. A light dinner is served. There is no charge for the support group. See website below to get directions to facility. Contact person about meeting logistics, or to be placed on email notification for meetings is Imelda Tenggara. Tel: (415) 353-7348. Urology Department.


(415) 353-7348





550 16th Street, Corner of 16th & 4th
San Francisco, CA 94158

