County of Marin Health and Human Services

Homeward Bound of Marin

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Homeward Bound of Marin

Homeward Bound of Marin is committed to providing services to transition homeless individuals and families into stable housing. Facilities include: Family Emergency Center, Family Resource Center, Mill Street Center, New Beginnings Center, Voyager Carmel Center, Fourth Street Center, Meadow Park, Family Park, and Palm Court. Services include: ' Emergency, transitional, and long-term housing, food, support services, and advocacy for homeless adults and families. ' Transitional and residential services for adults with mental-health disabilities. ' Job and life-skills training and assisted re-entry into the workforce. ' Advocacy and construction of inclusive housing for Marin s lower-income residents.


(415) 382-3363



1385 N Hamilton Parkway
Novato, CA 94949