County of Marin Health and Human Services

Maria B. Freitas Senior Community (Mercy Housing Management Group)

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Maria B. Freitas Senior Community (Mercy Housing Management Group)

Maria B. Freitas offers affordable low-income housing programs and resident services.
Our programs are open to the community.
We offer: Tap, Stretch, Rest: the purpose is to stretch muscles.
Rosen Movement Method: Unhurried movements are designed to improve alignment and flexibility.
Recreational activities: Bingo, line dancing, arts and crafts, movie afternoon, karaoke.

61 -1 bedroom apartments for Seniors. Residents must be 62 years or over. Income limits applied, no more than $38,750.00 for one person, and no more than $44,300.00 for two people. rent is approximately 30% of income. The waiting list is currently CLOSED.


(415) 479-7581



(415) 479-8350


455 Manuel T. Freitas Parkway
Senior Community
San Rafael, CA 94903