County of Marin Health and Human Services

Marin County Department of Health and Human Services Division of Aging and Adult Services: Adult Protective Services (APS)

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Marin County Department of Health and Human Services Division of Aging and Adult Services: Adult Protective Services (APS)

The Division of Aging and Adult Services administers Adult Protective Services (APS). The APS program provides services to protect, prevent, and remedy abuse of elders and dependent adults. APS strives to reduce risk, maintain and enhance quality of life, promote self sufficiency and respect the right to self determination.

APS social workers investigate and seek to correct situations of abuse and neglect. The social worker will offer the older or dependent adult a plan of services, using the least restrictive method of intervention. With the goal of enabling the person to live as safely and independently as possible, the APS social worker will coordinate services with available family, supportive friends and community resources.

If you suspect abuse in a long-term care facility, contact the Marin County Long-Term Care Ombudsman at (415) 473-7446.


(415) 473-2774


24 hour phone line


(415) 473-7042


10 N.San Pedro Road
San Rafael, CA 94903


Anyone aged 18 to 64 who, because of their mental or physical disability is unable to effectively protect themselves against abuse or neglect, or anyone age of 65 or older, who is suspected of being abused or neglected, is eligible for APS.