County of Marin Health and Human Services

Prima Medical Foundation - Terra Linda Primary Care

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Prima Medical Foundation - Terra Linda Primary Care

Family Medicine
Our Family Medicine physicians see patients of all ages, from newborn to elderly and can take care of your whole family. Family Medicine physicians receive 3 years of specialty training in inpatient and outpatient medicine – this includes procedural and pediatric training with an emphasis on behavioral science and patient communication.
Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine doctors focus on adult medicine – they have had special training focusing on the prevention and treatment of adult diseases. An Internal Medicine physician is considered a generalist in the following areas: Adolescent Medicine, Allergy and Immunology, Cardiology (heart), Endocrinology (diabetes and other glandular disorders), Gastroenterology (colon and intestinal tract), Hematology (blood), Infectious Disease, Nephrology (kidneys), Oncology (cancer), Pulmonology (lungs), Rheumatology (arthritis), and Sports medicine.
Travel Medicine
Travel Medicine is a relatively new specialty. As U.S. travelers begin to travel to more exotic and remote locations they are exposed to an entirely new and rapidly evolving set of health conditions. New and emerging diseases, changing disease epidemiology, and a lack of immunity make U.S. travelers particularly susceptible to
getting sick while traveling. Many primary health physicians are not informed adequately enough on these issues to provide the current, accurate information that travelers will need.
Dr. Habis and other Prima physicians advise on personal safety issues and simple behavior changes, as well as necessary vaccines and chemoprophylaxis (medications) for preventing illness and injury during travel.


(415) 492-3333


(415) 492-3425


4000 Civic Center Drive
Suite 200
San Rafael, CA 94903