County of Marin Health and Human Services

St. Vincent de Paul Society

This Community Resource Guide is a new feature being developed by the County of Marin Department of Health and Human Services.
Please provide your feedback to help us make improvements (click here).

St. Vincent de Paul Society

Our Housing Help Desk welcomes over 1,400 clients each year and offers limited financial aid and a sympathetic ear to people without a place to live. The focus is getting individuals and families back into housing and taking care of their emergency needs. Last year we helped transition more than 147 people off the street and into permanent housing.

Our services include:
* Housing Counseling
* Rental Deposit Assistance
* Regional Housing Search
* Prescription medications
* Return Home
* Transportation
* Socks, toiletries and other essentials


(415) 454-3303


820 B Street
San Rafael, CA 94901