County of Marin Health and Human Services

YWCA: 50+ Employment Program

This Community Resource Guide is a new feature being developed by the County of Marin Department of Health and Human Services.
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YWCA: 50+ Employment Program

FiftyPlus is the premier place for women 50 and older to take control of their career. Our 'free' workshops and ongoing support can help you develop new skills, build your confidence and find your next job. Whether you're unemployed, coming back to the workforce after a break, or just looking to make a career change, we have something for you!


(415) 479-9922



Monday thorugh Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


(415) 479-9934


4380 Redwood Hwy
Suite A-1
San Rafael, CA 94903

ADA Access: 


Application Process: 

Orientations on Mondays from 1:15 p.m.-2:30 p.m.


Women 50+

Accepted Payment: 

Credit Cards and Checks


None for the workshops, but a nominal fee for computer classes.