Kari Beuerman is the Social Services Director for the County of Marin. She earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Community Studies from U.C. Santa Cruz and a Master’s Degree in Social Work from USC. Kari also holds a Master’s Degree in Jewish Communal Services from Hebrew Union College.
Kari became a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and started her career in social services working at a Bay Area non-profit that serves developmentally disabled adults and children. She was a case manager and a supervisor, serving primarily monolingual Spanish speaking individuals and families. Kari came to the County of Marin for the first time in 2005 as a supervisor in Aging and Adult Services. In 2012, Kari left Marin to serve as the Division Director of Adult and Long Term Care for the County of Santa Cruz for four years.
Kari returned to Marin County HHS three years ago in her current capacity as Social Services Director. She serves as the chair of First 5 Marin Children and Families Commission, as well as on the Board of CalSWEC (California Social Work Education Center). Kari’s primary area of focus and interest is workforce development, and she enjoys striving to find ways to support staff in carrying out their mission through training and mentorship.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of HHS Employee, David Uribe