College of Marin-Emeritus Students College of Marin(ESCOM) [1]
ESCOM is designed to serve the unique needs of older adults who are dedicated to the principles of quality of life, lifelong learning, and personal growth. ESCOM is an integral part of College of Marin Community Education. Basic to ESCOM is the concept of democratic decision making and planning using the talents and judgment of its members to enrich their own lives and to contribute to the community. ESCOM is organized so that its members may learn and develop through study, clubs, and auxiliary activities. Discounted fees for some community ed classes, monthly email updates of activities and events, and the opportunity to join any or all of 28+ clubs such as opera, bridge, chess, book, philosophy, camera, scrabble. Stop by the ESCOM Center (SS building Humiston Reading room) on the Kentfield Campus of the College of Marin, the ESCOM Center IVC Campus building 10, email [2], see our web pages at [3], or call and chat with one of our volunteer receptionists.