JAN provides free consultation services designed to increase the employability of people with disabilities by: providing individualized worksite accommodations solutions; providing technical assistance regarding the ADA and other disability related legislation; and educating callers about self-...
Phone: (800) 526-7234
Email: jan@askjan.org
Website: http://askjan.org
FiftyPlus is the premier place for women 50 and older to take control of their career. Our 'free' workshops and ongoing support can help you develop new skills, build your confidence and find your next job. Whether you're unemployed, coming back to the workforce after a break, or just looking to...
Phone: (415) 479-9922
Email: gretchen@ywcasf-marin.org
Website: http://www.ywcasf-marin.org
The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a community service and work based training program for older workers. Authorized by Older Americans Act, the program provides subsidized, service-based training for low-income persons 55 or older who are unemployed and have poor...
Email: celeste.sercalifornia@gmail.com
Website: https://www.marinhhs.org/area-agency-aging
Individualized employment plans are created with an assigned counselor to determine employment goal, based on history and needs for education/tuition, job training, job development & job coaching services. Resources can include clothing for work, transportation assistance, interpreter...
Phone: (415) 893-7702
Email: ExternalAffairs@dor.ca.gov
Website: http://www.dor.ca.gov
Bloom, formerly known as Image for Success (IFS), is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing two-week wardrobes for economically disadvantaged men, women, and children residing in Marin County, CA. Our clients are among the low income or working poor populations who are referred by...
Phone: (415) 482-6077
Email: info@bloommarin.org
Website: http://www.bloommarin.org/
Assist’s and provides insurance for unemployed and disabled seniors.
Phone: (800) 480-3287
, Phone: (866) 658-8846
Website: https://www.edd.ca.gov/
Information can be found by visiting www.careerpointnorthbay.org.
Phone: (415) 966-0860
Email: MarinAJCC@CareerPointNorthBay.org
Website: http://www.careerpointnorthbay.org/
Offers students, former students, and community members a vast resource for finding temporary, part-time, and full-time employment locally, nationally, and internationally. Also, a Housing Reader Board is available with resources for obtaining housing in Marin County.
Phone: (415) 485-9410
Email: carol.perez@marin.edu
Website: http://www.marin.edu/studentservices/jobplacementoffice
Our program is for young adults between the ages of 18-30 who are ready to further their education and gain valuable paid work experience and job skills all in one place, free of cost. We are always accepting applications and encourage walk-ins. Our business hours are 8:30am – 5:00pm, Monday...
Phone: (415) 454-4554
Email: lpersona@ccnorthbay.org
Website: http://www.ccnorthbay.org
Empowerment Clubhouse offers a safe and restorative community where individuals working toward mental health recovery become empowered through meaningful work and supportive relationships. Empowerment Clubhouse is structured based on the Clubhouse Model, which is included on the Substance Abuse...
Phone: (415) 339-2837
Email: empowermentclubhouse@marincitycdc.org
Website: https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A//www.marincitycdc.o…
Phone: (415) 575-2101
Email: info@sfgoodwill.org
Website: http://www.sfgoodwill.org
RPEA is a non-profit association of retirees and active employees who are members of the California Public Retirement System (CalPERS).
Phone: (800) 443-7732
Email: rpeahq@rpea.com
Website: http://www.rpea.com