WMSS provides supportive services to frail and elderly seniors to help them remain as independent as possible in their homes. WMSS provides comprehensive Care Management by assessing the needs of seniors at risk, creating individual care plans, screening and placing home care workers, engaging...
Phone: (415) 663-8148 x101
Website: http://wmss.org
Health Education Centers have resources for learning about staying healthy, preventing disease, and treating medical conditions. We offer written materials, videos, selected computer services, and information about classes and other programs to help you reach your prevention goals.
Phone: (415) 444-2173
Website: https://thrive.kaiserpermanente.org/care-near-you/northern-california/sanrafael/
JAN provides free consultation services designed to increase the employability of people with disabilities by: providing individualized worksite accommodations solutions; providing technical assistance regarding the ADA and other disability related legislation; and educating callers about self-...
Phone: (800) 526-7234
Email: jan@askjan.org
Website: http://askjan.org
FiftyPlus is the premier place for women 50 and older to take control of their career. Our 'free' workshops and ongoing support can help you develop new skills, build your confidence and find your next job. Whether you're unemployed, coming back to the workforce after a break, or just looking to...
Phone: (415) 479-9922
Email: gretchen@ywcasf-marin.org
Website: http://www.ywcasf-marin.org
Our philosophy and mission is to ensure an accessible and welcoming environment for individuals with disabilities while ensuring compliance with federal and state regulations. Student Accessibility Services at College of Marin provides equitable access to education to students with a wide range...
Phone: (415) 485-9406
Email: sas@marin.edu
Website: http://ss.marin.edu/sas/what-we-offer