We offer a variety of classes and services geared for all ages. Classes include arts and crafts, fitness, aquatics, dance and movement, theatre, personal growth, camps, martial arts, computers and more.
Phone: (415) 485-3333
Email: Community.services@cityofsanrafael.org
Website: https://www.cityofsanrafael.org/departments/library-recreation/
The San Rafael Public Library includes the Downtown Library at 5th and E Streets and the Pickleweed Library on Canal Street. We offer full physical and digital collections with books, magazines, newspapers, movies, and music for all ages. Our in-library services include computers and Wi-Fi,...
Phone: (415) 485-3322
Email: library@cityofsanrafael.org
Website: http://www.srpubliclibrary.org
Volunteer staff deliver regular and large print books and books on tape to San Rafael residents in retirement homes, convalescent hospitals or private homes. Audio books on cassettes and CDs. Regular and large print books and books on tape to San Rafael residents in their homes, nursing homes or...
Phone: (415) 485-3317
Website: http://srpubliclibrary.org/
Offers a variety of classes designed to improve circulation and balance, and help to maintain good health throughout life. Tai Chi, Baton Twirling, Yoga, Dance and many more classes offered.
Phone: (415) 289-4100
Website: http://www.sausalitoparksandrecreation.com
Provides a children’s lending library, as well as story times and reading-related special events for children and their families.
Phone: (415) 289-4121
Email: reference@ci.sausalito.ca.us
Website: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.sausalitolibrary.org_&d=…