County of Marin Health and Human Services

Marin County Health Equity Zone Dashboard

Marin County Health Equity Zone Dashboard

The County of Marin is committed to advancing health equity. In order to foster place-based, community-led solutions, Marin County Public Health has developed four Health Equity Zones, in Southern Marin, West Marin, San Rafael, and Novato. Zone collaborative partners include non-profit organizations, schools, health clinics, faith-based organizations, businesses, and city and County government. This dashboard describes factors that influence health, to foster common understanding, guide strategy, and track health equity progress.

How to Use this Interactive Dashboard

  • Choose a zone by clicking on one of the four maps displayed.

  • Click on an indicator along the top of the page to view rankings of census tracts within that zone. Tracts displayed in dark red have a greater health burden/less healthy conditions for the selected indicator; those in dark blue have a lower health burden/healthier conditions for the selected indicator. Clicking on another indicator will reset the map to display the rankings for that indicator.

  • Click on a specific tract or enter an address within the zone to view the health equity profile for that location, displayed on the left side of the page.

  • To exit a selected zone click on the "Home" button on the top right of the page.

  • Click here to access the definitions for each indicator.