We take an individualized approach in addressing our patients' spiritual, emotional and physical needs. At Angel Palliative Care and Hospice we believe in the sacred value of life and respecting our patients' wishes about how they want to live. Accepting hospice care can be a tough decision....
Phone: (650) 590-2530
Email: info@apchbayarea.com
Website: http://www.apchbayarea.com
This is a community support group for people and family members who have chronic lung disease, such as COPD, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis and those who require continuous supplemental oxygen. These meetings are informational and people share how they cope with their lung disabilities. Jim Braley...
Phone: (415) 209-1535
Email: braleyj@sutterhealth.org
Beyond Hunger, Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides support groups, workshops, and education to individuals struggling with eating disorders.
Phone: (415) 459-2270
Email: info@beyondhunger.org
Website: http://www.beyondhunger.org
UCSF Bladder Cancer Education and Support Group. (No active group in Marin County.) First Thursday of the month. UCSF Mission Bay Campus, Mission Hall. 550 16th Street, Corner of 16th & 4th. (Please use the 4th Street entrance and check in with security desk) The group runs from 5:30pm-7:...
Phone: (415) 353-7348
Email: imelda.tenggara@ucsf.edu
Website: http://www.ucsfmissionbayhospitals.org/gethere