County of Marin Health and Human Services

Homeless Policy Steering Committee

Upcoming HPSC Meetings & Events:

  • Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Are you homeless and in need of help?

View the HHS Online Resource Guide or call 415-473-HOME.


2024 Continuum of Care Funding Competition: CoC Application and Priority Listing

The community application with attachments and priority listing for the 2024 Continuum of Care NOFO funding competition are now available for community review.

2024 Continuum of Care Funding Competition: Final Priority Listing

The following projects were approved to be submitted to HUD in the 2024 CoC funding competition:

2024 Continuum of Care Funding Competition: Completition Timeline

The Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD's) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Fiscal Year 2024 Continuum of Care Program Competition was released on July 31, 2024. The Local Competition Public Solicitation for Project Applications provides the overall timeline and available funding for this funding opportunity. For details about the CoC competition and information for accessing this funding opportunity please see the 2024 CoC NOFO Summary

Marin Lived Experience Advisory Board (LEAB) Seeking Members

Marin County has recently started a Lived Experience Advisory Board and is seeking folks with current or past experience of homelessness to share their experiences and knowledge to make recommendations for systemic improvement and participate in the homelessness system decision-making process. If you are interested please fill out the application and email it to

What is the Homeless Policy Steering Committee?

The Homeless Policy Steering Committee (HPSC) develops long-term strategic plans and facilitates year-round efforts to identify the needs of homeless individuals and families in Marin.  The Steering Committee also provides opportunities for leadership and coordination for Marin’s county-wide response to homelessness.

Core Responsibilities Include:

  • Involving key local stakeholders in establishing a community-wide response to the complex problem of homelessness.
  • Analyzing relevant data to identify the most effective mix of homeless services and housing for Marin.
  • Setting priorities for programs and designing evaluation processes.
  • Providing final approval for the Marin Continuum of Care application submission to the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  • Overseeing implementation of the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act (HEARTH) at a local level.
  • Oversight of the CoC’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) 
  • Monitoring implementation of the CoC’s 10 Year Plan 

How to Join:

The HPSC is open to all interested parties. To join the HPSC announcements mailing list, send a blank email to


The HPSC is staffed by the Department of Health & Human Services and is chaired by representatives of the Board of Supervisors.

Contact: Nikolas Brady, Program Coordinator

Administered By: 

  • Marin County Health and Human Services

Purpose / Duties: 

Provide a coordinated and strategic approach to planning and management of a range of resources to address the needs of families and individuals at risk of homelessness and those who are currently experiencing homelessness in Marin through a Continuum of Care (CoC)


The Homeless Policy Steering Committee has identified key representatives which include, homeless services and housing providers, faith-groups, veterans services, mental health, social services, services users, city officials and county representatives. Members are appointed to the group as voting members.

If you are a person with a disability and require an accommodation to participate in a County program, service or activity, requests for accommodations may be made by calling (415) 473-4381 (Voice) 473-3232 (TDD/TTY) or by e-mail at at least four work days in advance of the event. Copies of documents are available in alternative formats, upon request.