About the CSL
The California Senior Legislature was created in 1980 by the California Legislature. It is a shadow legislature of 80 Assembly persons and 40 Senators, who propose and debate bills on health care and long-term care, elder abuse, affordable housing, transportation, and other issues affecting older adults. The top 10 state proposals and four federal proposals are voted on in an annual session every October. These priorities are then considered by our regularly-elected legislators. Many are formally introduced into their respective legislative body. In Marin County, Senior Legislators also become ex-officio members of the Marin County Commission on Aging.
Current Legislators (2022-2026)
Vacant, Senior Assembly
Vacant, Senior Senator
For More Information
Contact the Office of the Area Agency on Aging at (415) 473-2136 for more information about local elections. Visit CSL online or call (916) 552-8056 for the Sacramento office.