Norovirus Season
Norovirus season typically begins in October and extends thru the spring. Schools, childcare centers and long-term care facilities are required to report suspected norovirus outbreaks. The Communicable Disease and Community Preparedness (CDCP) unit is providing the resources below to help prevent the spread of norovirus illness in our community.
Norovirus Toolkit for Schools and Childcare Centers
Norovirus Guidelines for Healthcare Settings
General Information about Norovirus
Norovirus/Viral Gastroenteritis Control Recommendations for Evacuation Centers/Shelters
Influenza Season
Visit the Marin County Influenza Information Website for resources on prevention and control, vaccination, and current influenza data.
The Communicable Disease and Community Preparedness (CDCP) branch is responsible for the investigation of communicable diseases and surveillance of reportable diseases.
Web-based Confidential Morbidity Reports (CMR) for health care providers are now available.
Urgent Reports 24/7
During business hours: Mon - Fri, 9 am - 5 pm - Call (415) 473-4163
After hours: Call Health Officer On Duty - (415) 479-5305
Non-urgent Reports
HIV Reporting (415) 473-6722
Tuberculosis Reporting:
Health care providers must complete a confidential online report for all suspect and active tuberculosis cases among Marin County residents. Please do not wait for laboratory confirmation before reporting. For more information visit our TB page for Health Care Providers.
Fax Numbers for Reporting:
- Communicable Diseases, including TB and STDs (415) 473-6002 *see specifics below
- HIV (415) 473-2372 (Use form: CDPH 8641 A)
Confidential Morbidity Report (CMR) downloadable forms (updated 2016)
CMR 110 A Use this form for reporting ALL conditions except tuberculosis and conditions reportable to the DMV.
CMR 110 B Use this form only for reporting tuberculosis.
CMR 110 C Use this form for reporting lapses of consciousness or control, Alzheimer's disease, or other conditions which may impair the ability to operate a motor vehicle safely (pursuant to H&S 103900).
CMR 85721 Use this form to report conditions in animals.
Title 17 Reportable Diseases and Conditions Use this complete list as a reference for all the Reportable Diseases and Conditions (Updated 2022)
Outbreak Prevention and Infection Control (OPIC) Team
OPIC supports healthcare and congregate care facilities, such as Skilled Nursing Facilities and Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly, in mitigating and managing risks associated with communicable diseases while preparing for emergencies. This is accomplished by ensuring effective infection control responses and providing education and training.
During business hours: Mon - Fri, 9 am -5 pm
Phone: 415-473-3455; Email:
To report a COVID-19 case in your facility to MCPH OPIC, report through: SPOT
MCPH OPIC team has bi-monthly meetings and newsletters to share news, guidance, surveillance updates, training and educational opportunities for all levels of staff.
Please email to be added to our meeting and mailing lists. Previous Newsletters, Public Health Advisories, and Updates are posted here.
Health Officer · Lisa Santora MD, MPH
(415) 473-4163,