The Connection Center is the heart of the campus. With its soaring glass walls, large lobby, café, and state-of-the-art conference rooms, clients, staff, and community members are welcomed to a variety of programs. Unlike a traditional lobby, the Connection Center is the focal point for health promotion, prevention activities, and contact information for other County and community services. The reception area, hosted by bilingual, multi-cultural staff members, offers information about Campus programs and community resources, referrals, billing services, case management, health insurance enrollment, and assistance navigating and accessing services.
Our Mission: To create a system of H&HS and community resources and referrals that supports primary prevention and is integrated and accessible to the Campus and communities.
Prevention is a primary strategy in addressing the health and wellness of our community. By working “upstream” to address the key preventable risk factors that affect health and quality of life, the Connection Center encourages and supports healthy choices. Two large LCD screens feature health promotion and education materials, streaming in Spanish and English, and there are exhibits and displays which highlight various Marin community services and health-related activities. Prevention topics for the screens and for classes were prioritized through a series of community focus groups and meetings, as well as by H&HS staff surveys and focus groups.