"For all people, good health is a gift, good healthcare, a right. This campus weaves them together."
- Marin County Supervisor Steve Kinsey
The innovative Marin Health and Wellness Campus brings a spectrum of services and clinics together in one inviting place. It is a result of local individuals, organizations, businesses, and government pulling together in the spirit of cooperation and neighborhhod revitalization.
The project involved the design and renovation of approximately 74,000 square feet in five buildings. A sixth campus building, located a few hundred feet away, houses a new branch of the Marin Community Clinics, and provides additional parking. Seagate Properties, prior owner of the five adjacent buildings, managed the renovation of the buildings.
The Campus is built to LEED-NC Gold standard and is designed around principles of sustainability and ecological health. It integrates state-of-the-art green building practices for design, construction, and site operation. Highlights of this commitment to a sustainable environment include:
- Re-use and recycling of materials and supplies during construction
- Use of solar energy
- Easy site access via alternative modes of transportation (walking, biking, mass transit)
- Extensive on-site recycling program
- Landscaping with native plants to minimize water use
- Energy-efficient heating, ventilation and cooling systems
These and other green practices offer benefits that significantly reduce costs while creating a safe and healthy setting for Campus visitors and staff.
Marin County's Health and Human Services is proud to be a partner in this amazing effort to help strengthen health, well-being, and wellness throughout the county.