County of Marin Health and Human Services

Commission on Aging

Public Meetings

  • The General Commission Meetings are held at the Marin Wildfire Protection Authority Board Room located at 1600 Los Gamos Drive, Suite 335 in San Rafael on the second Monday of each month.  There is no meeting in August.
  • A presentation is made at 1:30 p.m. featuring a noted guest speaker on a topic of interest to older adults, their families and professionals.
  • The business meeting follows at 2:35 p.m.
  • Questions: contact the Aging and Adult Services main line at (415) 473-7118.

Composition of the Commission and How to Become a Commissioner

23 or 24 members: 10 appointed by the Board of Supervisors (two from each district), one from each of the 11 cities or towns, and two appointed from Marin County to the California Senior Legislature, and, if applicable, one Marin County resident is appointed by the Governor to the State Commission on Aging.

Applications may be obtained from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Room 329, Administration Building, Marin Civic Center (415) 473-7331, the City Clerk in the appropriate jurisdiction, or access the application online at:

If you are interested in applying for one of the 11 City or Town commission seats, please contact the clerk's office of the City/Town you wish to represent.  If you need assistance with determining who to contact, please call the Office of the Area Agency on Aging at (415) 473-7118.


Gary Lara, Administrative Assistant II
Phone: (415) 473-7118

Executive Committee
General Commission Meeting

Amy Dietz, Senior Program Coordinator
Phone: (415) 473-7491

Equity, Outreach and Advocacy
General Commission Meeting
Health and Nutrition

Amanda Reyes, Senior Program Coordinator
Phone: (415) 473-2136

General Commission Meeting
Housing and Transportation

Administered By: 

  • The County of Marin

Purpose / Duties: 

The Marin County Commission on Aging is a federally mandated advisory council. The mission of the Commission is to promote the dignity, independence and quality of life of older persons through advocacy, information, programs and services.


According to the Older Americans Act, membership shall be composed of: (a) a majority of persons 60 years or older; (b) service providers; (c) members who reflect the geographic, racial, economic, and social complexion of the area they represent; and (d) at least one member who represents the interests of the disabled.

Term Length: 

3 Years for Commission Members, 4 Years for CSL Representatives

Number of Members: 

23 Members

Reimbursements for Expenses / Per Diem: 

Reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses in performing Commission functions duly authorized by the Executive Committee or by the full Commission within the limits of the budget for Aging and Adult Services.

Time and Day of Meetings: 

The second Monday of each month from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. There is no meeting during the month of August unless otherwise deemed necessary in advance by the Chair. 
 Commissioners are required to participate on at least one standing committee as part of their commitment. Committees include: Equity & Inclusion, Health and Nutrition, Housing and Transportation, Legislative Advocacy and Planning and Communications. The Chair will assist the commissioner during the decision making process.

How to Apply: 

Please refer to the "How to Become a Commissioner" section of this page.