Children, Adolescents, and Families
Marin County Behavioral Health & Recovery Services has established a single point of entry for AB 1299 Presumptive Transfers. This function is now part of our Access Team...
Telephone 473-3068
This team provides assessments and referrals for children and adolescents who are full-scope Medi-Cal eligible and are in need of mental health services....
Access Line: (888) 818-1115
Under direction of the Mental Health and Substance Use Division Medical Director, a half time child psychiatrist, two part time psychiatrists and...
A key component of mental health services is the Family Partnership Program, contracted through the Community Action Marin (CAM) agency.
Family Partners provide emotional...
Thursday Night Family Group
Thursday Evenings 7-8:30pm - Beginning 6/18/20 on Zoom virtual platform
What do we do? We are a group of clinical staff and family partners who...
Katie A is a case that was brought on behalf of a young girl who experienced multiple placements and inadequate mental health services while in the foster care system. The...
Classes offered in 10-week series in the fall and spring, co-led by a clinician and Family Partner. There are separate groups for children up to age twelve and another for...
Community based organizations are working with schools (Kindergarten through eighth grade) to prevent mental health concerns, as well as identify and respond to mental health...
Huckleberry Youth Programs
Telephone: 415-258-4944
Huckleberry Youth Programs provides Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral (SBIRT) services through the San Rafael...
Bay Area Community Resources
Telephone: 415-755-2319
The Family Connections program provides intensive outpatient treatment services for substance-abusing adolescents who...
BHRS Justice Coordinator
Telephone: 415-473-6409
The Marin County Juvenile Drug Court Program is a collaborative between the Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery...
Transition Age Youth (TAY) Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) provides: screening and brief intervention for behavioral health concerns in teen clinics; psycho-education...
Sunny Hills Services
615 B St., Suite 1A
San Rafael, CA
Phone: 415-473-2167
The Transition-Age Youth (TAY) program is provided by Sunny Hills and provides services to young...
Services provided to a youth who has multiple needs that cannot be adequately addressed by weekly outpatient services. A typical wraparound team consists of a facilitator, a...
The Youth and Family Services program (YFS) serves children and families who are eligible for Medi-Cal (i.e., fall below the 200% Federal Poverty Line) and experience...
Formerly known as Children’s System of Care, or CSOC, Youth Empowerment Services (YES) is a full service partnership program for high risk youth through age 18 who have...