County of Marin Health and Human Services

Public Assistance

BenefitsCal is here! is a new simple way for customers to apply for, view, and renew benefits for health coverage, food and cash assistance.

BenefitsCal is the first statewide automated site built by and for the people of California.  Together, we benefit.

BenefitsCal will make it easier than ever to:

  • Apply online
  • Renew your benefits
  • Upload documents
  • Report changes
  • Connect with a caseworker

BenefitsCal supports applications for

  • CalFresh
  • Medi-Cal/County Medical Services Program (CMSP)
  • CalWORKS
  • General Aid/General Relief (GA/GR)
  • Disaster CalFresh

Visit today to apply.

The Public Assistance Branch of the Division of Social Services is responsible for the administration the major public assistance programs in Marin County. Division staff provide eligibility determinations and related services for the following programs:
CalWorksMedi-CalCMSPCalFresh - SNAP

Verifications Required:

When applying for public assistance programs, certain items are required to determine if an individual or family is eligible. The verifications needed may vary depending on the program you are applying for.

Please provide the following items for each family member applying for aid, if applicable:

  • Picture identification card
  • Social Security card
  • Medicare card or other health insurance card
  • Proof of citizenship or immigration status (birth certificate, passport, immigration card or VISA)
  • Proof of address (lease, rent receipt, utility bill)
  • Proof of income (paystubs, Federal income tax return with all attachments for self-employed, unemployment or disability payments, cash gifts or loans received)
  • Verification of property/assets (checking, savings, IRA or retirement account statements, car registration(s), land owned, etc.)
  • Additional verification may be requested

Welfare Fraud:

The Special Investigations Unit (SIU) is responsible for maintaining the integrity of public assistance programs. Welfare fraud investigators are charged with deterring, detecting and prosecuting fraud. This ensures that our programs are available for those in need of assistance. Referrals are received from the community, automated detection systems, eligibility staff and other agencies, hotlines, etc. All referrals are investigated, and the caller may remain anonymous. We have a bilingual speaking investigator available for Spanish referrals and assisting in translations.

SIU also contains the Collections Unit, which is responsible for billing and collecting overpayments due to administrative errors, client caused errors, and intentional program violations. Marin participates in the Tax Intercept Program which enables our Department to collect money from clients that are not paying by intercepting their tax returns.

To report suspected fraud for CalWORKs, CalFresh, General Assistance or In-Home Support Services (IHSS) please call (415) 473-7071 or fax (415) 473-7166.

To report Medi-Cal suspected fraud for Medi-Cal, please call (800) 822-6222,, or submit a complaint form online at

Online Eligibility Screener: find out if you might qualify for helpful benefits.