To be added to the MHSA Committee email distribution list, please reach out to Galen Main at All are welcome to join any meeting below!
FY 2022/23 MHSA Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule:
AUGUST 2022: Wednesday, August 24, 2022 from 1:30-3pm via Zoom: is external) or phone: +1 408 638 0968, Meeting ID: 507 074 3019
OCTOBER 2022: Wednesday, October 19, 2022 from 1:30-3pm via Zoom: is external) or phone: +1 408 638 0968, Meeting ID: 507 074 3019
DECEMBER 2022: Wednesday, December 14, 2022 from 1:30-3pm via Zoom: is external) or phone: +1 408 638 0968, Meeting ID: 507 074 3019
FEBRUARY 2023: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 from 1:30-3pm via Zoom: is external) or phone: +1 408 638 0968, Meeting ID: 507 074 3019
FY 2021/22 MHSA Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule:
JULY 2021: Wednesday, July21, 2021 from 1:30-3pm via Zoom: or phone: +1 408 638 0968, Meeting ID: 507 074 3019
SEPTEMBER 2021: Wednesday, September 22, 2021 from 1:30-3pm via Zoom: or phone: +1 408 638 0968, Meeting ID: 507 074 3019
JANUARY 2022: Wednesday, January 19, 2022 from 1:30-3pm via Zoom: or phone: +1 408 638 0968, Meeting ID: 507 074 3019
MARCH 2022: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 from 1:30-3pm via Zoom: or phone: +1 408 638 0968, Meeting ID: 507 074 3019
MAY 2022: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 from 1:30-3pm via Zoom: or phone: +1 408 638 0968, Meeting ID: 507 074 3019
FY20/21 MHSA Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule:
MAY 2020: Wednesday, May 20, 2020, from 1:30-3pm via Zoom: or phone: +1 408 638 0968, Meeting ID: 507 074 3019
JULY 2020: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 from 1:30-3pm via Zoom: or phone: +1 408 638 0968, Meeting ID: 507 074 3019
SEPTEMBER 2020: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 from 1:30-3pm via Zoom: or phone: +1 408 638 0968, Meeting ID: 507 074 3019
NOVEMBER 2020: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 from 1:30-3pm via Zoom: or phone: +1 408 638 0968, Meeting ID: 507 074 3019
FEBRUARY 2021: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 from 1:30-3pm via Zoom: or phone: +1 408 638 0968, Meeting ID: 507 074 3019
APRIL 2021: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 from 1:30-3pm via Zoom: or phone: +1 408 638 0968, Meeting ID: 839 8142 1008 and Passcode: 292084
In November 2004, California voters approved Proposition 63, the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), intended to expand and transform county mental health services throughout California. While the proposition passed with 54% of the vote statewide, Marin County voted 63% in favor. The MHSA raises additional taxes for the State, which are then allocated to respective county mental health programs.
County MHSA plans shall be developed with local stakeholders, including adults and seniors with severe mental illness, families of children, adults, and seniors with severe mental illness, providers of services, law enforcement agencies, education, social services agencies, Veterans, representatives from Veterans' organizations, providers of alcohol and drug services, health care organizations, and other important interests. Counties shall demonstrate a partnership with constituents and stakeholders throughout the process that includes meaningful stakeholder involvement on mental health policy, program planning and implementation, monitoring, quality improvement, evaluation, and budget allocations.
The MHSA Advisory Committee has monthly meetings on the 4th Wednesday of the Month from 1:30-3. Please see "MHSA FY18-19 Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule" for specifics. All TBD locations will be posted on this website prior to the meeting date.